Saturday, April 10, 2010

Twenty-Five Things

It all started on Facebook. I got tagged to do a '25 random things about me' post. I was about to post it on a note, when I decided that I should post it on my blog! So here it goes!

25. My favorite band of ALL TIME is Nirvana.

24. My favorite movie is Fight Club.

23. My favorite book is The Catcher In the Rye

22. Right now, I have the biggest crush on Al Pacino (from the 1970's to the early 90's, that is)

21.  I named my cat after Winky the drunken house-elf in Harry Potter because I was too sad to call her Dobby. 

20. I'm a Beatles person. Not an Elvis person.

19. The only way I would work at Rolling Stone Magazine would be if it was the 70's.

18. I currently have 1, 715 songs on my iTunes and it'll never stop growing.

17. Someday, I'm going to visit the 7 Wonders of the World.

16. I have a scar on my left pinky from jumping out of a stationary van when I was little.

15. I've been in love with Leonardo Dicaprio since I was 5 and watching Growing Pains. Pshhhh forget Kirk Cameron! :P

14. I named my iPod after Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs.

13. I listen to Frank Sinatra.

12. I've been to about eight concerts, one of which was NSYNC lol.

11. I want to live in the city. San Francisco, Seattle, or New York City :)

10. I want to go ghost hunting someday so I can finally decide if I believe in the paranormal or not.

9. Although I have some ideas, I don't know what I'm really going to do when I grow up.

8. I don't have a favorite song, but I can probably narrow it down to Tiny Dancer, In the Air Tonight, or Tangerine.

7. I want a wiener dog so I can name it Carlos.

6. Part of me wants to live the fancy, sophisticated life like Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's when I'm older.

5. I basically never cry in movies. The only movie that makes me cry is Forest Gump. And the part that does it is where he's talking to Jenny's grave.

4. I like to make up wild, over-the-top, stupid, dramatic, unrealistic stories. Just for fun.

3. My number one pet peeve is rude people. 

2. I REALLY want to go to Egypt.

1. If I could have any job in the world, I'd choose to be a Film Director

Now it's your turn! If you've read this blog, you must make a list of 25 random facts about yourself! It's fun!:)

Alexis :{D

A Day At the Library

        On Thursday, while talking to one of my friends, he asked why I didn't read all the time anymore. It had suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't been reading and I hadn't gone to the library in months! I used to go just about every week, but once my junior year began, I slowly stopped going. School just made me so busy that I didn't have time to read anymore. And when I did have spare time, I would just sit around or go hang out with friends. I really thought about it and the only books I had been reading were the ones that I had to read for English class. So that's when I decided that I wanted to start going to the library again and re-start my favorite hobby: Reading :)

On the way to the library!
My mom always supports the reading of books.
She's the reason I enjoy reading after all :)

Part of the outside of the Avondale Civic Center Library
Courtesy of my mom!

I marched into the library on a mission. I made my way over to the nonfiction section and started my search. Then I realized that I probably should've made a list of books I wanted to read. I didn't know where to begin! So I started off with looking for one of my favorite authors, Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club. They had three books written by him and I had read all of those, so I was stumped. That was my only idea! So I just decided to go up and down all the aisles to see if anything caught my eye.

Usually I leave the library with about ten books, but today I left with three. No need to overachieve :)

LOVE and Other Four-Letter Words

The First Book I chose.
It's about a teenage girl and her life after her parents have split and how she deals with that and other teenage problems. But this is what really caught my attention:
"In Carolyn Mackler's touching and hilarious first novel, sixteen-year-old Sammie comes to understand that along with love come other four-letter words. Like
hate and loss and gain. And most importantly, grow."
Whoever wrote that is awesome, MAD PROPS!

Fahrenheit 451

The Second Book I chose.
Fahrenheit 451 is about a future in which books are burned due to a totalitarian regime.
It's reflective of books that are banned today and how wrong it is to censor literature. It's one of those books that many are assigned to read in high school, but I've never been assigned it >:| So I decided to just read it for myself!:)

Message In A Bottle

Aaaaand the last book I chose.
Now we all know I'm not into sentimental, lovey-dovey books or movies (except Titanic ;D ), but I decided to give this one a chance. A few months ago while I was in California Jessica had been reading it and she gave me a summary and to my surprise, it actually sounded pretty good! So I glanced around the book aisle I was in to make sure no one was around to witness, and I put the book under my arm and rushed to the check out machines. I got out safe! I'll let you guys know what I thought of it.

Anyway, being back at the library felt great! I'm really really REALLY excited to begin reading again. So on that note, I'd like some book recommendations! This way, I don't wander aimlessly around the library again :)

Happy Reading!:)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Quick Blog: Guernica

This song is by one of my favorite bands, Brand New. I just think that they are AMAZING! Anyway, I was listening to this song and I thought that I should share it with all of you. Even if it's not the type of music you listen to, I'm asking that you please listen because it's really a great song, filled with emotion.

How does it make you feel? What do you think of?
I know what I think of, but I'm curious to find out what everyone else thinks.

Here it is! Guernica by Brand New:

Ever since I was young your word is the word that always won.
Worry and wake the ones you love.
A phone call I'd rather not receive.
Please use my body while I sleep.
My lungs are fresh and yours to keep,
Kept clean and they will let you breathe.

Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?
I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind.

Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these,
so I sat alone and waited out the night.
The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed.
So I'm asking you to shine it on and stick around.
I'm not writing my goodbyes.

I submit no excuse.
If this is what I have to do I owe you every day I wake.
If I could I would shrink myself and sink through your skin to your blood cells
and remove whatever makes you hurt but I am too weak to be your cure.

Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?
I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind.

Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these,
so I sat alone and waited out the night.
The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed.
So I'm asking you to shine it on and stick around.
I'm not writing my goodbyes.

I'm not letting you check out.
You will beat this starting now and you will always be around.
I'm there to monitor your breathing
I will watch you while you're sleeping.
I will keep you safe and sound.
Does anybody remember back when you were very young.
Did you ever think that you would be this blessed?

Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these,
so I sat alone and waited out the night.
The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed.
So I'm asking you to shine it on and stick around.
I'm not writing my goodbyes.

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