Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Three Six Five

"Other things may change us,
but we start and end with Family."

  I couldn't sleep. I was terrified. At this exact time last year, I was being woken up by the worst news I've ever heard- my Tia Sylvia had passed away. I was so frightened that if I fell asleep, I would once again wake up to horrible news. It could be anyone, the people we least expect as I learned last year. Instead of sleeping, I cried and cried and cried. I fell asleep eventually.

     A whole 365 days later and the pain of losing my Tia is still as raw as ever. That hole in my heart will never completely heal, but I've been doing my best to not let it get any bigger. I've been enjoying my senior year and I've been having fun. I've kept going because I know that is what she wanted for all of us. When I heard some family members had dreams about her, I was disappointed at first. Why didn't I ever have dreams about her? Then I realized that she did not need to visit me in my sleep because I had accepted all that had happened and there wasn't one day where I needed to be reminded of her because I never forgot. Like her, I'm a scorpio, and I could handle it :)

     So with that said, today I will not feel depressed, and I refuse to mope around. Instead, I will celebrate Sylvia's life and cherish the memories I have with her. I will be thankful that I spent 17 wonderful years with her. I'll think fondly of those texts she'd send me on my birthday that said, "Happy Birthday, my birthday buddy. I hope you have a great day!" And most importantly, I'll see her spirit live on in my heart and especially in my mother, her only sister, and her daughters, Michelle and Nichole. It's crazy how often I see flashes of my tia in each of you, and I know you three were able to make it through this first year because of the tremendous strength she left each of you. Her spirit and wisdom will truly live on forever.

“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

After a very long hiatus, here I am again, ready to share my thoughts with the world. Over that time period, many things have happened so I think it's appropriate to fill everyone in!

#1: I'm halfway through the first semester of my senior year.
WOW, it has already been going by way too quickly! I swear I was a little and very lost freshman just yesterday! Regardless, I've been having a blast. 

I love all of my classes! :) I'm taking AP Government, Journalism I, Teacher Assistant for the Photo teacher, and Yearbook. 
Government is hard, but I'm really learning a lot!
Journalism I is my favorite class. I get to write so much!
Being a T.A. is so chill. I just roll film and cut photo paper. I just mostly get to read in that class.
and in Yearbook....I'm the Photo Editor! I wanted it so bad, I could taste it, and luckily I got just what I wanted :) 

#2: I'm registered to vote!
Yep! A representative came to our school this past week and registered 47 students, including me. I am SUPER excited about this. I've been looking forward to voting since I was probably like, 10! I'm registered as a democrat, and I do believe I am able to vote and the upcoming midterm elections :)

#3: I'm in the top 10% of my class.
I had absolutely no idea about this until this past Thursday! I went in to see my guidance counselor to discuss college and he was telling my gpa and all that and happened to mention my ranking. Honestly, I was shocked! I thought I was just in the top 25%, so hearing this was a pleasant surprise. SOOOO I'm 38 out of 382 and totally happy with that :)

#4: I decided I want to go to NAU
Just decided a week ago, and this past week, I submitted my application :)
I want to go to NAU because it's not too far from home, but it is. And not that I'm completely dying to get away from my family or anything, but I can definitely say that I'm just ready for some change. It's something different

#5: Dance Marathon Club is really taking off!
For those who don't already know, Dance Marathon is a club that fundraises over the course of a year. At the end of the year, when we've raised as much money as possible, we give all of it to the Phoenix Children's Hospital. To celebrate all of our hard work and the major contributions we've made, we have a dance marathon: a big dance party with music, food, games, and lots of fun! We've already done a couple of fundraisers and so far we've made about $800. We're off to a very great start! 

#6: Possible career path?
In the aforementioned club I'm in, I am the Chair of Public Relations. I chose it because it just sounded interesting. Well a few weeks ago, my best friend's sister had a baby and I went with her to see the baby at Banner Estrella. Well when we were walking to her room, we passed by a room that was labeled Public Relations. Well, it really got me thinking. Then to add to that, Dance Marathon had a representative from the Phoenix Children's Hospital come talk to us. I started to think about how cool it is to be able to represent someone that way. So I'm now thinking about majoring in Public Relations!

Public relations (PR) is the practice of conveying 
messages to the public through the media 
on behalf of a client, 
with the intention of changing 
the public's actions
by influencing their opinions

It just sounds like something that I would want to do. 
And I am getting some experience from my club:)
I previously wanted to major in journalism, but if I did do PR,
 there's already a journalism aspect to it, so i'd get that from it too! :D
NAU has a great PR program, so that works out great!

#7: Speaking of careers....
As everyone knows, I still want to be a photographer. 
Well what I was thinking of doing is 
majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Photography. 
And here's the plan: If I minor in 
Photography, I'll have some sort of degree in it. 
With that degree, I can do some 
sort of freelance thing with it. 
Basically, it'll just be a little extra money on the side for me! 
Or at least that's the plan!

I also just want to add that I would also like to be a fashion photographer :P
So many options!

Well in a nutshell, that's what has been going on with me! 
Sorry if it was kinda all over the place,
 but I had a lot of catching up to do! 
I'm going to try to keep up with my blog again, 
so stay tuned and see you next time!

Love, Alexis :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Time Has Come

In just one week's time, I will officially be a Senior. As a young freshman trudging to boring classes everyday, I thought this day would never come. But here I am now, that much closer to becoming a high school graduate. And although these past three years I've been saying how boring school is, and how I just can't wait for it to be over, I'm slowly realizing that I don't want this to end. Everyone always says that high school goes by fast, and they're not kidding. It seems like a joke when you first hear it, but you don't realize how true it is until you're almost done.

So as a young person on the verge of adulthood, I'm determined to make my Senior year the most enjoyable of my high school career. I'm so ready to go to as many football games as I can, all decked out in red, and with my face painted! I want to sit in the spirit section and cheer on the football team, even if they're losing, because I want to be spirited. I want to participate in every spirit week and get to dress up!
I'm going to continue to try my hardest in my classes and do my best not to get a horrible case of senioritis. Maybe just monthly senioritis fevers :)
I want to spend all my time with good people. People that are cool and are looking to have fun during their senior year too.
I want to go to Prom! I've been thinking about Senior Prom since Junior Prom. It'll be the highlight of my year! Date or not, I'm there, ready to dance!:)
And most importantly, I want to graduate knowing that I enjoyed my remaining time. I don't want to feel like I missed out on anything. If that's accomplished, I'll graduate, sad that I'm leaving, but content in knowing that I didn't squander my time. I hope that through all of that, I'll finally figure out what it is that I truly want to do with my life, and I'll go through the rest of my adulthood in happiness :)

Love, Alexis 

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year (coming soon)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Beginnings and Ends

On Sunday morning, I finally got to see Toy Story 3. I was so excited! It had been a wait eleven years in the making. I had grown up watching Toy Story so when I had heard they were making a third one I couldn't wait. I went into the movie with high expectations and I definitely wasn't disappointed. In my eyes, the movie was just so PERFECT. I laughed just as much as I had in the previous movies, but this time, I also cried!

As slow as eleven years seemed to go by, I'm glad they spaced it out that much. You see, the people of Pixar are smart! They knew that all the kids that grew up watching Toy Story would be mostly grown up by now. Andy going to college coincided perfectly with many of us. I think that's the main reason why the movie was so effective. All the now grown up people could relate to it. I know I definitely could.

I'm perfectly satisfied with the way the Toy Story franchise ended, but I'm still sad! It's like a part of my childhood was now over with. As I've been getting older and coming closer to the day I'm officially an adult, it seems like these moments are becoming more and more frequent.

For example, they released the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows today. After I got over my initial excitement, it hit me: Harry Potter was going to be over soon! While the books have been finished for about two years, it didn't really set in then because I knew I still had a couple movies to look forward to. But now, it's really going to be over! Sure there's the theme park, but it's not going to be the same as the past decade I spent staying up late to read the books, or waiting five hours in line to see the midnight premieres.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my Harry Potter obsession, and even if some don't understand why I love it so much, I know everyone can understand the feeling of something great coming to an end. The feeling one gets from the ending of an era. Some may say, "It's just Harry Potter," but it's not. It's my love of reading, it's my extended vocabulary, it's my escape from the real world, it's my love of movies, and most importantly, it's my childhood.

As all these great things continue to end around me, I know that nothing will ever truly compare to them, but I must remember that one end is a new beginning and that's something I greatly look forward to :)

Sincerely, Alexis :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In Retrospect: My Junior Year

My Junior Year was stressful, exciting, fun, difficult, and everything else in between. So far in my high school career, this has definitely been my favorite year. I was finally an UPPERCLASSMAN. I was no longer at the bottom of the food chain, but instead one step away from being at the very top.
 What set my Junior year apart from the first two years of high school was that I finally began to realize that I'm growing up. Teachers began talking about SATs and college applications all the time instead of the usual quizzes and homework assignments. Yup, things were starting to change and I had to go along with it whether I liked it or not.
Despite all the stressful times and late nights completing homework and projects, I accomplished a lot. I learned not only in the classroom, but in the real world as well.


Football Games

Football Games are soooo fun! I can't believe that I only went to a few my sophomore year and zero my freshman year. I went to every football game possible this year. My friends and I even ventured out to Peoria for one of them. So maybe our football team wasn't the best (see above picture), but I sure had fun cheering them on, making Agua Fria shirts, and painting my face anyway.

Becoming The Next Michelangelo :P

Ahh, Sculpture & Ceramics class. Definitely one of the hardest art classes I've ever taken. My first project was the ceramic bust. Now I have no idea why we started out so big, but of course I had no choice and just dove right in. The bust ended up looking kinda creepy looking lol. But instead of beating myself up over it, I patted myself on the back for doing a decent job. Especially since I'd never worked with clay before.
The next project was the Wire Sculpture project. I can describe this project in one word: PAINFUL! We literally had to cut open tubes of wire with box cutters and I probably almost impaled myself more than once. When I had all my pieces made it was time to assemble them, but I was discouraged. On their own the cat and the cage and the bird looked like, well, crap! But I was running out of time so I just put them together anyway. After struggling a bit with getting the bird cage to stand up straight (many cuts and scratches), it was finally altogether. I painted the base red and was ready to present! My teacher really liked it and especially complimented me on my choice to paint the base red because it gave my sculpture a cartoony feel. Sure!:D
Our last project was cultural masks. Dia De Los Muertos immediately came to mind. I looked at examples of Dia De Los Muertos Skulls and began my own sketch. I was so excited, it came out awesome! Before I had even put my mask in the kiln, my teacher said it was a really cool mask and couldn't wait till it was done. As many of you probably know due to one of my previous blogs, the mask blew up while in the kiln :( I was devastated! But I turned it around and decided to make a new one. I think my first one was better because I had more time but I still love the mask! I still have to add a yellow flower and spray a clear lacquer on it, but this is basically the finished product. I love it!:)

Finally Getting My 'I Exceeded Aims' Shirt
I had been waiting since Sophomore year to receive my shirt. I exceeded my Writing AIMS. Definitely one of my finest hours :D

Going To Disneyland!

I'd been to Disneyland before, but two times I was too little to remember and the third time I went on hardly any rides and it was paaaaaaaaaacked. My friend Kelsey had been talking about taking me to Disneyland for a long time and it was finally time! It was such a great experience! I felt like a little kid. Many of the rides were first times for me. I was fearless! I even braved California Screamin' and Tower of Terror, which if this had been two years ago, I wouldn't have dared to go on. Three days of absolute bliss and crazy fun :)

Surviving AP Classes

Junior year was the first time I was able to take AP classes and I was so excited! AP meant an introduction to the level of work I would have to do in college. My first semester I took AP American History. God I loved that class! I seriously learned so so soooo much! But oh the class was so difficult! There was a lot to remember. I ended up getting a B in the class. But since it was an AP course, it was weighted as a A which meant my GPA went up a lot. And I was one of the few people who did really well. A lot of people in my class got C's and D's
Second semester I had two AP classes: AP English Language/Composition and AP Chemistry. I totally rocked AP English! It's just my subject and I wrote some really excellent essays over the course of it. I really feel that my writing has improved thanks to all those essay I wrote. I also got to read some really good books. I read The Great Gatsby, The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, Death of a Salesman, and Lord of the Flies, each book a staple in American Literature. I worked hard in the class and it payed off because I got an A :)
AP Chemistry.....oh, where to begin! First semsester I had taken Honors Chemistry and I was good at it so I figured, "Hey, might as well take AP!" Worst mistake everrrr! This was by far the hardest class I have EVER taken. It just didn't make any sense to me at all. And I tried, I really did! But it was a lost cause. Chemistry was just not my thing. At one point I had an F :O As you can see above, it was tests like that that brought my grade down. At that point, I vowed to bring it up. Luckily my teacher made homework worth a lot of points since no one ever turned it in. And she gave us credit for completion, not correctness. So I did every homework assignment, even though half the time I'm pretty sure I was making up my own chemistry lol. I then had slightly better test scores, each score getting better as the weeks went by. Finally, by the end of the year, I had brought my F up to a B! Happiest moment of my life! Now I'm happy that I passed the class and that I never have to think about Chemistry again :)

Getting a B in Trigonometry
My whole life, I've been bad at math. I don't know what it is, but math and I just don't mix! Recently in high school, I've gotten much better at it, but I still always got C's :( If you look at a history of my high school math grades, you'll see an A in Algebra I B and C's in the rest. So it was with a reluctant heart that I signed up for Trigonometry. Technically I didn't need to take it. Heck, technically I could've stopped taking math my sophomore year, but my school encourages that students stay in some sort of math class all four years to keep our skills intact. The first day of class we had to write our goal for the course and by the end of the year, we should have achieved it. I wrote that I wanted to get at least a B in the class because I usually get C's. Well the year went on and surprisingly, I understood Trig! I kept waiting for it to get so difficult that I'd want to give up, but that never  happened. There were a few lessons that were very arduous, but I was somehow able to figure them out. It was crazy! By the end of the year I had a high B. I felt so accomplished!:D Since I was so successful in Trig, I decided to take Calculus next year. I know it will be hard, but I've already proved to myself that I'm capable of getting through it.


Prom was one of the most fun nights of my life!:) The summer before junior year, I had been planning to go. That was the plan until tickets went on sale. Suddenly, no one wanted to go! I was so sad! I really wanted to go, but if my best friends weren't going, it wouldn't be fun. So I sadly decided to wait till Senior year. The week leading up to Prom was dreadful. Everyone was talking about their plans and their dresses and how much fun it would be. That was it. I decided I was going! So a few text messages later, I had friends to go with. Next was getting a dress! I was a little worried about finding a dress at the last second, but I wasn't looking to get a big fancy dress. Just something simple and I found it :) I'll leave the beautiful dress for my senior year ;) I picked out a few cute and simple accessories and that was it! Simple :)
Last thing I needed was shoes. We were going to go shopping, but then my mom remembered that she had some of Tia Sylvia's high heels. They were PERFECT. They went with my dress and accessories so well. And my mom told me that they were dancing shoes!:) That was awesome because I don't dance. I can, but I just don't. But with these shoes, Tia Sylvia would guide me on over to the dance floor:) And it worked! I danced ALL NIGHT. It was so much fun! Prom was at the Aldea Reception Center down in Peoria and it was just BEAAAAUUUUTIFUL. It couldn't have been more perfect:) I absolutely can't wait till my Senior Prom!:D

Last Day of School

Oh the last day of school:) Finals are completed and grades are closed. The weight of the world is off of everyone's shoulders. Such a feeling of relief after a long, hard year :) Now it's my time! Two months of much needed Rest and Relaxation and then it's time for one final year: Senior Year. I don't know what's in store for me, but I do know that I'm ready to tackle whatever obstacles are coming my way. I'm going to make sure that I have as much fun as possible my Senior Year and I'm going to enjoy every second of it.  Even though I didn't want to believe it, High School sure does go by way too fast. It'll all be worth it though. This time next year, I'll have my diploma in hand and hopefully, a great college to go to and finally, my adult life to begin :)

Sincerely Yours,
Alexis, The Senior :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To Mama:

I just want to dedicate this blog to say THANK YOU!
Looking in retrospect, I can't even believe all the things you do for us!
You've always encouraged us as much as you could.
You've never asked us to be anyone else than who we were.
You always do your best to make us happy, even if it means forgetting yourself.

I couldn't ask for more in a mother.

I'll always appreciate you. I won't ever forget all of the things you've done for me and most importantly..


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Twenty-Five Things

It all started on Facebook. I got tagged to do a '25 random things about me' post. I was about to post it on a note, when I decided that I should post it on my blog! So here it goes!

25. My favorite band of ALL TIME is Nirvana.

24. My favorite movie is Fight Club.

23. My favorite book is The Catcher In the Rye

22. Right now, I have the biggest crush on Al Pacino (from the 1970's to the early 90's, that is)

21.  I named my cat after Winky the drunken house-elf in Harry Potter because I was too sad to call her Dobby. 

20. I'm a Beatles person. Not an Elvis person.

19. The only way I would work at Rolling Stone Magazine would be if it was the 70's.

18. I currently have 1, 715 songs on my iTunes and it'll never stop growing.

17. Someday, I'm going to visit the 7 Wonders of the World.

16. I have a scar on my left pinky from jumping out of a stationary van when I was little.

15. I've been in love with Leonardo Dicaprio since I was 5 and watching Growing Pains. Pshhhh forget Kirk Cameron! :P

14. I named my iPod after Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs.

13. I listen to Frank Sinatra.

12. I've been to about eight concerts, one of which was NSYNC lol.

11. I want to live in the city. San Francisco, Seattle, or New York City :)

10. I want to go ghost hunting someday so I can finally decide if I believe in the paranormal or not.

9. Although I have some ideas, I don't know what I'm really going to do when I grow up.

8. I don't have a favorite song, but I can probably narrow it down to Tiny Dancer, In the Air Tonight, or Tangerine.

7. I want a wiener dog so I can name it Carlos.

6. Part of me wants to live the fancy, sophisticated life like Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's when I'm older.

5. I basically never cry in movies. The only movie that makes me cry is Forest Gump. And the part that does it is where he's talking to Jenny's grave.

4. I like to make up wild, over-the-top, stupid, dramatic, unrealistic stories. Just for fun.

3. My number one pet peeve is rude people. 

2. I REALLY want to go to Egypt.

1. If I could have any job in the world, I'd choose to be a Film Director

Now it's your turn! If you've read this blog, you must make a list of 25 random facts about yourself! It's fun!:)

Alexis :{D

A Day At the Library

        On Thursday, while talking to one of my friends, he asked why I didn't read all the time anymore. It had suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't been reading and I hadn't gone to the library in months! I used to go just about every week, but once my junior year began, I slowly stopped going. School just made me so busy that I didn't have time to read anymore. And when I did have spare time, I would just sit around or go hang out with friends. I really thought about it and the only books I had been reading were the ones that I had to read for English class. So that's when I decided that I wanted to start going to the library again and re-start my favorite hobby: Reading :)

On the way to the library!
My mom always supports the reading of books.
She's the reason I enjoy reading after all :)

Part of the outside of the Avondale Civic Center Library
Courtesy of my mom!

I marched into the library on a mission. I made my way over to the nonfiction section and started my search. Then I realized that I probably should've made a list of books I wanted to read. I didn't know where to begin! So I started off with looking for one of my favorite authors, Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club. They had three books written by him and I had read all of those, so I was stumped. That was my only idea! So I just decided to go up and down all the aisles to see if anything caught my eye.

Usually I leave the library with about ten books, but today I left with three. No need to overachieve :)

LOVE and Other Four-Letter Words

The First Book I chose.
It's about a teenage girl and her life after her parents have split and how she deals with that and other teenage problems. But this is what really caught my attention:
"In Carolyn Mackler's touching and hilarious first novel, sixteen-year-old Sammie comes to understand that along with love come other four-letter words. Like
hate and loss and gain. And most importantly, grow."
Whoever wrote that is awesome, MAD PROPS!

Fahrenheit 451

The Second Book I chose.
Fahrenheit 451 is about a future in which books are burned due to a totalitarian regime.
It's reflective of books that are banned today and how wrong it is to censor literature. It's one of those books that many are assigned to read in high school, but I've never been assigned it >:| So I decided to just read it for myself!:)

Message In A Bottle

Aaaaand the last book I chose.
Now we all know I'm not into sentimental, lovey-dovey books or movies (except Titanic ;D ), but I decided to give this one a chance. A few months ago while I was in California Jessica had been reading it and she gave me a summary and to my surprise, it actually sounded pretty good! So I glanced around the book aisle I was in to make sure no one was around to witness, and I put the book under my arm and rushed to the check out machines. I got out safe! I'll let you guys know what I thought of it.

Anyway, being back at the library felt great! I'm really really REALLY excited to begin reading again. So on that note, I'd like some book recommendations! This way, I don't wander aimlessly around the library again :)

Happy Reading!:)