Monday, August 2, 2010

The Time Has Come

In just one week's time, I will officially be a Senior. As a young freshman trudging to boring classes everyday, I thought this day would never come. But here I am now, that much closer to becoming a high school graduate. And although these past three years I've been saying how boring school is, and how I just can't wait for it to be over, I'm slowly realizing that I don't want this to end. Everyone always says that high school goes by fast, and they're not kidding. It seems like a joke when you first hear it, but you don't realize how true it is until you're almost done.

So as a young person on the verge of adulthood, I'm determined to make my Senior year the most enjoyable of my high school career. I'm so ready to go to as many football games as I can, all decked out in red, and with my face painted! I want to sit in the spirit section and cheer on the football team, even if they're losing, because I want to be spirited. I want to participate in every spirit week and get to dress up!
I'm going to continue to try my hardest in my classes and do my best not to get a horrible case of senioritis. Maybe just monthly senioritis fevers :)
I want to spend all my time with good people. People that are cool and are looking to have fun during their senior year too.
I want to go to Prom! I've been thinking about Senior Prom since Junior Prom. It'll be the highlight of my year! Date or not, I'm there, ready to dance!:)
And most importantly, I want to graduate knowing that I enjoyed my remaining time. I don't want to feel like I missed out on anything. If that's accomplished, I'll graduate, sad that I'm leaving, but content in knowing that I didn't squander my time. I hope that through all of that, I'll finally figure out what it is that I truly want to do with my life, and I'll go through the rest of my adulthood in happiness :)

Love, Alexis 

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year (coming soon)


  1. You go and get everything that is coming your way. Enjoy it because it is true once gone it won't come back. Seems to me you have outline the perfect plan/agenda for your senior year. Maybe soon we can squeeze a bike ride to make it a part of your year.

  2. I think you've got the right idea about senior year! I swear you'll love me if you can squeeze weight training (or sysematics) in your schedule! DOOO IIITTT!

    And I cannot wait for your prom either. Go ALL OUT on everything... hair, dress, the whole nine! Senior year only happens once, live it up mama!

  3. i know its crazy!! can you believe were about to be seniors! were gonna graduate!! ahhh!!! do you rememeber kindergarten and 1st grade when i was always at your house me and cj and rudy lived across the street hahaha! ahh those were the good days:) never thought they would go by so fast:)
