Sunday, May 9, 2010

To Mama:

I just want to dedicate this blog to say THANK YOU!
Looking in retrospect, I can't even believe all the things you do for us!
You've always encouraged us as much as you could.
You've never asked us to be anyone else than who we were.
You always do your best to make us happy, even if it means forgetting yourself.

I couldn't ask for more in a mother.

I'll always appreciate you. I won't ever forget all of the things you've done for me and most importantly..



  1. Cherish her always.

    You guys look beautiful!

  2. I do recognize that us dads get so many accolades and don't even do a fraction of what moms do. Go moms, you all rock!

  3. Baby, no need to tell me. you show me your love everyday even when you are grumpy. You always come to talk to me when you need it and that is what I love about our relationship. I love you my little Alexita!
