Thursday, May 26, 2011

Growing Up

As a child, I was always a little more mature than others my age. For that reason, I just could not wait to grow up. Through years of complaining about immature peers, condescending teachers and hours of school I can finally say I am done! On Monday, May 23rd, I received my diploma and in doing so, took a huge step into a different world. Now I know "Be careful what you wish for" is such a cliche, but as I laid in bed that night it was the one phrase that kept coming to mind. All I had talked about since I started high school, was finishing high school. And there I was, a high school graduate, but suddenly I realized, "This is what I've been looking forward to all of these years?"Graduating meant a few things: Not seeing my friends every day, being a real adult, getting a job, bills, more responsibilities, decisions, going to college, having to grow up! The list goes on and on. Then I started to think about how much easier life would be if I didn't have to grow up, if Peter Pan just flew through my window and took me to Never Land where I never had to grow up! But alas, that would just be too simple, wouldn't it? No one ever said that growing up was easy or fun. As what goes up must come down, I must grow up, as it is inevitable. As I begin my ascent into adulthood, there will be some obstacles- finding a job, becoming a poor college student/artist, finding a job, once again, after college- but I will get through them gracefully and as best as I can. I don't know exactly what life has in store for me and that's a little frightening, but I do have the confidence that I will be able to get through any obstacles in my path and that's good enough for now.


  1. Well said Alexis well said...Congrats again! I am very proud of you!:) love ya!!

  2. You will make an awesome adult, just make sure to stop and smell the roses! I am soooo proud of you and will always be here to help you as you grow.
